35 How to recruit or get a new character in Knights of Ages?.

34 What is gold coin and silver coin in Knights of Ages? How do they function in the game?.33 What kinds of Classes are in Knight of Ages?.32 Where can I download Knights of Ages, and how to register an account?.30 Will I run out of 3/4 star missions? Should I save them for the Queen's Orders?.26 Do you get the Royal medal back from switching classes?.25 Is it worth buying the luxury good required for a tier 3 class?.24 Is there an upper age limit to getting married?.23 What do the different types of Marriage reception do?.22 When does the number of dates in Castle Hall reset?.20 Why can't I equip my Heirloom Weapon/Armor/Shield?.18 How to determine the best class for my character?.17 How do I get Knight status? Is there a way to upgrade my character?.16 How do I recruit people with Royal Bloodline?.15 What to do if you have a lot of injuries at the end of the story (ACT 6)?.13 What sequence are the forts from easiest to hardest?.12 What is the best mercenary corps skill?.11 How to I beat the Blademaster in the Natura Artifact Mission?.10 How do I unlock Shadow Swordsman/WindFog Village?.9 How do I unlock Command Knight/Sunset City?.8 How do I unlock Bard/Fortress of Ring Valley/Flower Source Village?.7 How do I unlock Blademaster/Anterb/Turquoise?.4 My mercenary is NOT MARRIED but has married icon?.2 Can I become King/Queen/Emperor/Empress/God/Goddess?.1 Can I marry my own mercenaries to each other?.